YG Entertainment announced that they would be taking legal actions for online slanders about their artists. YG Entertainment started off their statement by saying, ŌĆ£As our labelŌĆÖs artists receive much love from the public, we considered that we must bear certain degrees of criticism, so we refrained from taking legal action thus far.ŌĆØ They continued, ŌĆ£However, there have been increasing amounts of malicious rumors, personal attacks, slanders, sexual harassment, and invasion of privacy. Therefore, we feel a great sense of responsibility since it is becoming increasingly impossible to ignore any further.ŌĆØ

YG entertainment then explained, ŌĆ£We reviewed a large volume of online posts that violate the rights of our artists based on the fansŌĆÖ reports, and we thoroughly looked over some of the severe matters. As a result, we identified those who engaged in malicious and habitual acts of spreading false information and filed criminal complaints and reports for defamation, insult, and interference with business in violation of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.ŌĆØ They closed their statement with a strong warning, saying, ŌĆ£Furthermore, YG Entertainment will continue to take strong legal action against any future online attacks that defame or damage our artists.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Jung Munjeong: IŌĆÖll provide you with the latest articles on K-Drama, K-Pop and K-Movie as quickly as I can.

YG Entertainment Takes Legal Action for Malicious Rumors  Defamation and Slander about Artists - 86YG Entertainment Takes Legal Action for Malicious Rumors  Defamation and Slander about Artists - 49