On Oct. 6, YG Entertainment released its official position regarding the controversy over ŌĆ£sexy nurse outfitsŌĆØ in BLACKPINKŌĆÖs ŌĆ£Lovesick GirlsŌĆØ MV. ŌĆ£First of all, we would like to express our deep respect to the nurses who are always standing by the patients. ŌĆśLovesick GirlsŌĆÖ is a song that tells the hopeful message within the worries of why we always look for love even when we are hurt by love. And the scene where the nurse and a patient appears in the ŌĆśLovesick GIrlsŌĆÖ music video reflects on the lyrics, ŌĆśNo doctor could help when IŌĆÖm lovesick.ŌĆÖ We had no specific intentions, but we would like to express our concerns over the distorted views. Please watch the music video as an independent art genre, and we would appreciate it if you could understand that each scene had no intention more than expressing music. The production team is deeply considering and discussing the editing of the scene.ŌĆØ Earlier on Oct. 5, the Korean Health and Medical WorkersŌĆÖ Union said in a commentary titled, ŌĆ£Our position on sexual objectification of nurses in BLACKPINKŌĆÖs music video.ŌĆØ In it, they wrote, ŌĆ£A hair cap, tight and short skirt, and high heels are all seriously out of touch with the current nurseŌĆÖs attire but only a production that follows the typical sexual code under the excuse of ŌĆścostumes.‘ŌĆØ They also urged YG to take responsible action, stressing, ŌĆ£Nurses are exposed to sexual violence at the highest rate among hospital workers, and the situation will only worsen as popular culture repeats its distorted image of nurses.ŌĆØ Source (1)