tvNŌĆÖs Our Blues stayed atop the list for three weeks, thanks to the exceptional harmony between its lead and supporting characters. JTBCŌĆÖs My Liberation Notes is also on the rise, taking second place for two weeks straight. JTBCŌĆÖs Green MotherŌĆÖs Club also came in third for three consecutive weeks, followed by TV CHOSUNŌĆÖs Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) at No.4 and tvNŌĆÖs Military Prosecutor Doberman at No.6. KBSŌĆÖThe King of Tears, Lee Bang Won quietly left in seventh place as tvNŌĆÖs new drama The KillerŌĆÖs Shopping List entered the list in tenth place with its premiere.


This survey was released by the TV popularity analyst Good Data Corporation after analyzing the internetŌĆÖs responses generated from news articles, blogs/communities, videos, and SNS in regards to 22 drama series and 192 variety shows that are either on-air or scheduled to be aired from April 25th through May 1st of 2022. Source (1, 2)
