Vincenzo signed PPL (product placement) contract worth about 300-400 million KRW (about $265,133 ŌĆō $353,511) with Chinese brand Zi Hai Guo. The contract term includes four exposures: The main characters eat their food twice, and the series exposes the brand name twice. In the 8th episode, Zi Hai GuoŌĆÖs Chinese bibimbap was on TV. Jeon Yeo-Been pulled out the bibimbap, calling it ŌĆ£delicious.ŌĆØ And Song Joong Ki enjoyed the meal, saying, ŌĆ£Villains donŌĆÖt deserve love.ŌĆØ Chinese bibimbap on Korean dramas; viewers frowned their eyes. China is currently carrying out a so-called ŌĆ£kimchi processŌĆØ where they claim that kimchi is part of their own culture. They claim that kimchi originated from ChinaŌĆÖs paocai or pickled vegetables. When the controversy sparked, the production team hurried to settle the issue. An anonymous broadcasting official shared, ŌĆ£We discussed canceling the three remaining exposures. We are under discussion with the Chinese brand.ŌĆØ But most importantly, the main actorsŌĆÖ choices remain questionable. An expert in PPL said, ŌĆ£If actors donŌĆÖt give the final consent, not one PPL can carry out. The production company that approved of Chinese bibimbap (for money) is blameable, but actors who agreed to eat it are also problem.ŌĆØ Drama production is a commercial activity. However, Vincenzo is broadcast around the world via Netflix. This may help China carry out the ŌĆ£bibimbap process,ŌĆØ following the ŌĆ£kimchi process.ŌĆØ Professor Seo Kyung Duk pointed out, ŌĆ£China has recently claimed that kimchi, hanbok, and pansori are their own culture. We canŌĆÖt ignore the production cost, but itŌĆÖs a real shame that such a decision was made in recent days.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1)