Recently, some raised their voices of concern about the well-being of Kim Woo SeokŌĆÖs pets. The concerns began when the singer revealed that he had welcomed a new cat into his family. He already had two dogs, dda-dda and ppo-ppo. According to the posts accusing him of animal abuse, Kim Woo Seok was constantly seen lifting the dogs with their arms and handling them in a rough manner, such as grabbing the dogs by the front paws and waving them. Additionally, the posts stated that the artist had told his fans that his manager is the one who mostly takes care of the dogs including grooming and cleaning and that heŌĆÖd never washed the dogs himself. ŌĆ£You can tell by looking at how he treats his pets,ŌĆØ the post read. ŌĆ£He doesnŌĆÖt even know whatŌĆÖs the proper way of holding the dogs. He also adopted three pets in a short time, and theyŌĆÖre all pedigree dogs (meaning they were bought rather than adopted).ŌĆØ After the post gained attention, people commented: ŌĆ£It seems overwhelming for him to even raise one pet. Why is he bringing so many of them?ŌĆØ ŌĆ£Is it just me, or does his dog look sad?ŌĆØ or ŌĆ£HeŌĆÖs treating them like theyŌĆÖre toys.ŌĆØ However, it seems like the idol was aware of the concerns because he left a short message on the Bubble app. ŌĆ£I am putting effort to be well aware of the situation!ŌĆØ he wrote. ŌĆ£I am also giving a second thought to my wrongdoings and criticisms. I will put more effort and will study more.ŌĆØ He then added, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖll try to study more so that the babies can also be happier!ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1, 2)

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