The final episode of TVINGŌĆÖs original Girls High School Mystery Class aired on March 19th. The five members of the mysterious class saved Sara GirlsŌĆÖ Highschool from the crisis. The showŌĆÖs adventure started with a mysterious group gathered to uncover Sara GirlsŌĆÖ HighschoolŌĆÖs secret. Sara GirlsŌĆÖ High is a school in which only the elites of the country can enroll. Producer Jung Jong Yeon, a master of mystery-entertainment series, took charge of the production. And Park Ji Yoon, Jang Do Yeon, Jae Jae, Bibi, and IZ*ONEŌĆÖs Yena played as the mystery classŌĆÖs five members. While there were concerns about its platformŌĆÖs limitations as an OTT content and TVINGŌĆÖs first-ever original entertainment program, the response it got after releasing teaser videos and episode 0 was phenomenal.

BibiŌĆÖs presence in the show is particularly noteworthy, as she is new to entertainment shows. She led the members with her courage, as she played a fearless leader in the group. Jae Jae, the witty and popular MC, also lent a hand to the mystery team with her sharp memory. IZ*ONEŌĆÖs Yena did not make a solid presence initially, but she pointed to many things that others would miss and established herself as the youngest who raises the groupŌĆÖs mood. Skilled entertainer Jang Do Yeon and Park Ji YoonŌĆÖs performances in the show were just jaw-dropping. As if the productionŌĆÖs team efforts paid off, Girls High School Mystery Class immediately announced the news for its second season on March 20th. Considering that variety shows with female cast members have not been exposed to the public, their success is more pleasant and iconic. ┬Ā Source (1)