Seobok tells the story of former agent Ki Heon, who is given his last order to protect mutated human clone Seo Bok, who holds the secret of eternal life. With many people seeking to obtain that secret, the two are involved in an unexpected situation. Terminally ill agent Ki Heon, played by Gong Yoo, goes on his final mission and travels with Seo Bok, who has never stepped out of the lab. From rough action sequences to delicate emotional performance, Gong Yoo completely disappears into his character. On April 13th, Gong Yoo held a video interview with media outlets. During the session, the actor candidly shared his thoughts, from why he starred in the project to how he feels about his upcoming 20th anniversary. Gong Yoo described Seobok as ŌĆ£a project that feels like homework.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£I choose the works that make me ponder. Seobok combines the philosophical story that director Lee Yong Ju wants to tell with the SF genre, which was refreshing. This project came to me as something difficult rather than something simple. In fact, at first, I refused the offer because I thought it was too big of a role for me. But when they offered the role again, I met with director Lee and listened to his story. After that, I joined the team.ŌĆØ In the film, Gong Yoo and Park Bo GumŌĆÖs bromance stands out. Currently, Gong YooŌĆÖs partner Park Bo Gum is carrying out his military duty. So all the promotions are up to him. ŌĆ£I never thought I would partner up with Park Bo Gum. I did work with many great seniors, but this is the first time that I partnered with a younger male actor for a film. Many people are considering our combination cute, so I hope we can please the audience.ŌĆØ He recently got an unexpected call from Park Bo Gum. ŌĆ£The movie is coming out soon, and we held a test screening, so he called me out of bliss. He told me that heŌĆÖs nervous too. I also think I would be more relaxed if he were here with me now. I feel kind of lonely since I have to do everything alone. But I did think that heŌĆÖs watching everything even when heŌĆÖs serving in the military.ŌĆØ Gong Yoo even swears big time in the film. ŌĆ£I think this is the first time swearing on screen. I had barely said any curse words in my works. Realizing it, I thought to myself, ŌĆśI only play nice guys, and thatŌĆÖs so not my character.ŌĆÖ At the same time, I was grateful. It felt like I have broken the chain. I wanted to do more.ŌĆØ Seobok will have its opening online (TVING) and in theaters on the same day. ŌĆ£When I first heard the news, I was a bit shocked. It was a new experience. But I think itŌĆÖs a natural phenomenon which I have to accept eventually. On the bright side, I think there is fun in enjoying the film at home and in theaters at the same time.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Gong Yoo celebrates the 20th anniversary of his debut this year. ŌĆ£I donŌĆÖt keep track of my works. I realized that it is my 20th anniversary only after my fans and staff told me. A few days ago, I made it into the 10th year as a model for one brand. It made me feel more emotional than when I won the best actor trophy. I was very thankful that I could be the face of a brand for ten years. I will live my life with a grateful heart. IŌĆÖm trying to make sure I live every day to its best and without regrets.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1, 2, 3)

 Seobok  Gong Yoo Hopes His Bromance with Park Bo Gum Will Please the Audience - 35 Seobok  Gong Yoo Hopes His Bromance with Park Bo Gum Will Please the Audience - 97 Seobok  Gong Yoo Hopes His Bromance with Park Bo Gum Will Please the Audience - 83 Seobok  Gong Yoo Hopes His Bromance with Park Bo Gum Will Please the Audience - 75