This album is a follow-up to ZERO : FEVER Part.1, telling the story of members who own passionate hearts than anyone in the midst of a fever. LetŌĆÖs have a look at the charms of seven different songs in this album, as ATEEZ claimed to demonstrate their unique taste and style within it.
- IŌĆÖm The One As a song that highlights the EDM rhythm within the trap beat, this track contains a message about burning a spark in order to create a true flame within the world of wrongness. The energetic vocals on the track escalate throughout the song and demonstrate what ATEEZŌĆÖs ŌĆśflairŌĆÖ is.
- The Leaders The intense hip-hop song that conveys the meaning of ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm truly cool when IŌĆÖm meŌĆØ shows ATEEZŌĆÖs energy and leadership as a leader of the New Generation. The breathtaking progression makes it impossible to relax until the song is over, from the strong hitting chorus which leads into an intense variation of the beat.
- Time of Love This contemporary R&B seems to bring the whole of spring to listenersŌĆÖ hearts, as it sends a message that the world should be filled with love, hoping that we love more by understanding each other, instead of hatred and jealousy. The harmony between the unique voices of members makes the song even more immersive.
- Take Me Home A retro-disco track with funky rhythms in ATEEZŌĆÖs one-of-a-kind style which portrays youths in a cold city. They deliver comfort and hope to youths walking on grim roads through their own journey which has been long and non-stopping. It is also a song against a setting that will be of importance in the storyline of their universe, so you can enjoy the lyrics and ambiance while imagining what kind of story will unravel in the future.
- Celebrate ŌĆ£Congratulations on being born as you,ŌĆØ says this bright retro-urban track which claims that everyone deserves a congratulation just for being born. The leader Hongjoong participated in writing, composing, and arranging the song as the trackŌĆÖs richness is added with various performances of piano, guitar, and brass instruments.
- Take Me Home (English ver.) You can feel a ŌĆśchillerŌĆÖ mood in this song as it is the English version of the fourth track ŌĆ£Take Me Home.ŌĆØ
- IŌĆÖm The One (HEAT-TOPPING ver.) This is the B-side version of ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm The One,ŌĆØ making the track feel trendier and more stylish with stronger trap beats, and toplineŌĆÖs English singing. Moreover, the catchy and addictive chorus doubles the fun of listening to ATEEZ, showcasing how captivating they are.
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