JTBCŌĆÖs Nevertheless unveiled the last still photos ahead of the final episode. The photos show how an unexpected accident had struck Yoo Na Bi (Han So Hee) just before the gallery. In the latest episode, Yoo Na Bi bid farewell to Park Jae Eon. Though she felt her expectations growing after Park confessed his feelings for her, she later learned that his words only derived from his jealousy towards Yang Do Hyuk (Chae Jong Hyeop). The bitter truth only left her in a greater sense of disappointment. The two of them scarred each other in the heavy rain. Seeing them crying alone inside the house and in the rain brought everyone to tears. However, the two still have an exhibition to finish. The still photos show Park and Yoo in distraught after seeing their work all shattered. Yoo stayed up many nights for the exhibition, but the scattered pieces seem like the broken hearts of the two. Knowing the efforts she has put in, Park consoles her and affectionately wipes away her tears. In the final episode of Nevertheless, the story of the youth that has been wandering in the face of love will come to an end. In the previously released trailer, Park appears in front of Yoo and tells her to start again with him. Soon, Yoo asks herself, ŌĆ£How can I define the feeling that I have left for Park Jae Eon?ŌĆØ What name will she give to this complicated emotion thatŌĆÖs neither regret nor hatred? The grand finale for Nevertheless will air on the 21st.

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   Nevertheless    A Crisis Strikes Han So Hee  Who Will She Choose in the End  - 60   Nevertheless    A Crisis Strikes Han So Hee  Who Will She Choose in the End  - 86