The show centers on three siblings and a mysterious stranger who want to escape from their frustrating lives. The show is written by Park Hae Young behind My Mister and Another Miss Oh, and directed by Kim Seok Yoon, who also produced The Light in Your Eyes and Law School. Lee Min Ki, Kim Ji Won, and Lee El play the three siblings and Son Seok Koo will take on the role of Mr. Goo. Lee Min Ki plays the second eldest son Yeom Chang Hee. He seemingly has no dreams, ambitions, or pride, but he lives his life diligently. Although he talks more than he should, it is hard to dislike him as he is quick-witted and reasonable. Kim Ji Won plays the youngest daughter Yeom Mi Jung, who always carries out her duty to the fullest without complaining. She has a hard time dealing with her relationships, and every day is like homework for her. Lee El stars as the eldest daughter Yeom Ki Jung, who is always honest about her feelings. Son Seok Koo plays the mysterious stranger named Mr. Goo, who seems to be drunk all the time. He suddenly appears in Sanpo Village, a place where no one moves in anymore. The production crew shared, ŌĆ£All the characters will play important roles in the show. The three siblings and Mr. Goo will also try to find their happiness in different ways. As they reflect on themselves and grow to be mature, their story will resonate with the viewers.ŌĆØ Source (1) Translator Changhyun Kim: Hello, K-pop, K-drama, and K-movie lovers! I will provide you with accurate and reliable Korean Entertainment news.

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