The new series tells the story of four best friends chasing their dreams while juggling demanding jobs, romantic dilemmas, and wild nights in the fashion industry. The new special poster has Pyo Ji Eun (played by Chae Soo Bin), the manager of a PR agency for luxury brands who lives a passionate life in the fashion industry, and freelance photo editor Ji Woo Min (Minho) who has everything from looks to abilities. The two are exes who now have an uncertain relationship, but when they reunite at a fashion show location for designer Joseph (Lee Sang Woon) and supermodel Ye Sun Ho (Park Hee Jung), they begin to feel their hearts pounding for each other again. Viewers are left wondering how their relationship will develop in the upcoming episodes. The Fabulous will premiere on December 23rd. Source: Netflix

Minho and Chae Soo Bin s New Netflix Series  The Fabulous  Pushed to December - 41