In an interview following the photoshoot, Lee Jae Wook talked about how difficult it was to play his character in Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow. He stated, ŌĆ£I had a week-long break after the first partŌĆÖs wrap. That was definitely not enough time for me to get myself fully rested and prepared to play my part in the second season. So the filming felt slow to me at first as it took me some time to get back into the character.ŌĆØ ┬Ā The actor, who debuted four years ago, talked about what he has in common with his character Jang Wook. He commented, ŌĆ£Jang Wook has lots in common with me. The drama had a scene where Jang Wook was drinking alone, and I found that I do the same from time to time whenever I need some time to organize my thoughts alone. As I am a growing actor, I need such time to look back on myself. So I think Jang Wook and I have a lot in common.ŌĆØ Lastly, the interviewer asked him if there were anyone who influenced him as Mu Deok had a significant impact on Jang Wook. The actor replied, ŌĆ£I think SF9ŌĆÖs Rowoon, whom I met through┬ĀExtraordinary You, has affected me a lot in a good way.ŌĆØ He continued, ŌĆ£We like talking to each other since we share similar kinds of worries. We meet often and cherish every moment of it. ThereŌĆÖs another actor we hang out with a lot, and he is Ahn Hyo Seop. The three of us talk about many things over drinks.ŌĆØ Source (1)

Lee Jae Wook Talks About His Special Friendship With SF9   s Rowoon and Ahn Hyo Seop - 86Lee Jae Wook Talks About His Special Friendship With SF9   s Rowoon and Ahn Hyo Seop - 30Lee Jae Wook Talks About His Special Friendship With SF9   s Rowoon and Ahn Hyo Seop - 25Lee Jae Wook Talks About His Special Friendship With SF9   s Rowoon and Ahn Hyo Seop - 92