After entering Songrim, Jang Uk had to live apart from Mu Deok. Soon, he reunites with Mu Deok, who got hired after winning the contest by successfully figuring out that SeokyungŌĆÖs poem was actually a love letter. But Jang Uk, who thought the flier of the contest was actually a love letter from Mu Deok, he shows how he feels about her as a reply, saying, ŌĆ£I also missed you. That is my reply.ŌĆØ
Jang Uk runs into Seo Yul (Hwang Min Hyun), who has just slayed a soul shifter that went wild. Hearing him say that a soul shifter is nothing more than a monster and that itŌĆÖs their job to protect the world from them, Jang Uk responds, ŌĆ£Or we can protect the monsters from this world.ŌĆØ Jang UkŌĆÖs proclamation to do whatever he wants shows his feelings toward Mu Deok.
While Jang Uk is stuck in the barrier, Jin Moo (Jo Jae Yoon) orders Eunuch Kim (Jung Ji Soon) to suck in Mu DeokŌĆÖs energy. With a single thought that he has to save Mu Deok, Jang Uk jumps off after saying, ŌĆ£Master, help me once again. Give your hesitant pupil confidence.ŌĆØ After escaping the barrier, he embraces and comforts Mu Deok, who is afraid that she might take away his energy, moving forward in the romance that he risked his life for.
After being imprisoned by Park Jin (Yu Jun Sang), who suspects his relationship with Mu Deok, Jang Uk finds out that Mu Deok is also imprisoned just like himself. Jang Uk, who pondered over the secret that he and Mu Deok could say, he pulls out yin-and-yang jade and tells him, ŌĆ£I like Mu Deok a lot.ŌĆØ Mu Deok also takes out the jade and tells Park Jin that she likes Jang Uk, heightening expectations.
Jang Uk confirms that Master Lee (Im Chul Soo) knows the real identity of Mu Deok. He heads to Mu Deok with NaksuŌĆÖs sword, which Master Lee gave to him. And to Mu Deok, who thinks about regaining her energy and going back to being Naksu again, Ā Jang Uk once again bets his life and makes her promise one thing. ŌĆ£When you regain your energy, and if you must draw and point that sword at someone, point it at me before at anyone else,ŌĆØ he says. He then adds that if she withdraws her sword, heŌĆÖll make another promise about what Mu Deok wanted to hear from him about their future together, once again expressing his love for her. Source (1)