The first Coupang Play series, One Ordinary Day, will premiere in October. One Ordinary Day is an eight-part crime series that revolves around an ordinary college kid named Hyun Soo (played by Kim Soo Hyun). One day, Hyun Soo becomes a murder suspect and finds himself in front of a rogue lawyer, Shin Joong Han (Cha Seung Won), who never asks questions about his cilent. Kim Soo Hyun is expected to win everyone over with his brilliant and emotional acting as Kim Hyun Soo, an ordinary college kid who suddenly experiences his world collapsing as he becomes a suspect in a murder case. Kim Soo Hyun shared his thoughts on playing the role in the series, saying, ŌĆ£An incident occurs in One Ordinary Day and many types of justice collide. I tried to play Hyun Soo as someone who wants to survive in that place. IŌĆÖm curious to see which type of justice everyone will agree with. I hope you will keep an eye on the series like a member of a jury.ŌĆØ The production team remarked, ŌĆ£Kim Soo Hyun is a real gem in One Ordinary Day series. He makes the drama even more profound. By playing Kim Hyun Soo, he will bring out the viewersŌĆÖ emotions as he shows his diverse faces ranging from a cheerful boy to a confused and angry individual. Please stay tuned for One Ordinary Day, where Kim Soo HyunŌĆÖs performance will stand out.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1) Translator Jung Munjeong: IŌĆÖll provide you with the latest articles on K-Drama, K-Pop and K-Movie as quickly as I can

Kim Soo Hyun Becomes a Murder Suspect In Upcoming Crime Series - 15Kim Soo Hyun Becomes a Murder Suspect In Upcoming Crime Series - 57