When asked about playing roles of similar ages, Kim shared, ŌĆ£Just being the same age as the characters naturally creates similarities. As an actor, itŌĆÖs a benefit. I asked my friends working at an office this and that, such as whatŌĆÖs on an office desk and what the existence of bosses means to them.ŌĆØ Ahn commented, ŌĆ£It is unusual for cells produced with 3D animation to appear, but honestly, Yumi and WoongŌĆÖs story itself is realistic everyday life. When listening to the stories of people around me who liked the original webtoon, they shared that they felt like they grew up together with Yumi.ŌĆØ The actor then stressed how anyone could relate to the story. When asked if there is a ŌĆ£cellŌĆØ they want, Kim answered, ŌĆ£I admire people who work hard every day, whether itŌĆÖs exercising or studying. Even if IŌĆÖm full of enthusiasm, it tends to cool down quickly, so I need ŌĆśDiligent Cells.ŌĆÖŌĆØ Ahn chose ŌĆ£Humor CellŌĆØ because heŌĆÖs not ŌĆ£amusing on an ordinary basis.ŌĆØ The two also talked about when they begin to feel closer to someone. Kim said, ŌĆ£When something happy or sad happens to the other person, there are times when my heart is completely immersed in that situation and emotions. This is the moment I realize that I really like this person.ŌĆØ Ahn shared, ŌĆ£The older I get, the more difficult it is to tell someone about my worries. Still, some people tell me about their difficulties and personal stories. ThatŌĆÖs when I feel like IŌĆÖve gotten close to them.ŌĆØ Source (1)