Happiness is an apocalyptic thriller that illustrates the survival of the characters isolated in a high-rise apartment, a miniature of a hierarchical society. Set against the building that has been locked down due to new infectious diseases, the show portrays fears, fierce survival, and thrilling mind games between the survivors. For this highly-anticipated series, WATCHER crew Ahn Gil Ho and writer Han Sang Won joined hands once again.

Director Ahn explained, ŌĆ£Happiness deals with the conflict and selfishness of people in the extreme situation when a disease similar to rabies spreads in the near future.ŌĆØ He added, ŌĆ£It depicts the process of finding the happiness of people in an isolated situation, just as the happiness we each pursue is different. The most important thing to me was that all those taking place in a virtual environment could approach people as real as possible.ŌĆØ For the project, Han Hyo Joo turned into a charismatic and tough SWAT agent. ŌĆ£I was unfamiliar with what a SWAT agent does, so I studied to understand the profession,ŌĆØ she shared. ŌĆ£In fact, because the story takes place in an apartment that has been locked down, Sae Bom as a resident comes out more than her as a SWAT agent. And that Sae Bom is not so different from me. Rather than planning something, I just melted myself into the work and acted naturally and comfortably.ŌĆØ Park Hyung Sik had chosen Happiness as his first work after his military discharge. ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs been a long time since I took part in the first day of filming, so it was awkward,ŌĆØ he commented. ŌĆ£The reason I chose Happiness was because I thought I would show a side that I had never shown before. Another reason was that I wasnŌĆÖt sure when IŌĆÖd have an opportunity to work with this crew and cast.ŌĆØ Meanwhile, Happiness will premiere on the 5th at 10:40 PM KST. ┬Ā Source (1)

Han Hyo Joo and Park Hyung Sik to Paint Out the Post Pandemic World in  Happiness  - 63Han Hyo Joo and Park Hyung Sik to Paint Out the Post Pandemic World in  Happiness  - 55Han Hyo Joo and Park Hyung Sik to Paint Out the Post Pandemic World in  Happiness  - 40