According to Sports Kyunghyang, NaeunŌĆÖs cereal bar advertisements for Dong Suh Foods have been temporarily suspended, and internal discussions on whether to continue hiring her as their model are currently underway. Earlier this week, a netizen who introduced himself as former April member HyunjungŌĆÖs brother sparked a controversy when he exposed that ŌĆ£she left the group because of membersŌĆÖ constant bullying.ŌĆØ Such a scandal has only grown by the minute as netizens dug up proofs of bullying within the group despite DSP MediaŌĆÖs efforts to dismiss the issue, and various rumors surrounding Naeun, the most active April member, poured out. Under the pressure of netizensŌĆÖ eagle-eye on the matter, advertisers are continuing to erase traces of Naeun. ┬Ā Source (1)

Dong Suh Foods Discontinues Naeun   s Advertisements - 22