According to Nielsen Korea, the 8th episode of SBSŌĆÖs Backstreet Rookie, which aired on July 11, recorded 5.5 percent and 8.7 percent viewership. These figures are up 2.1 percent from 6.6 percent viewership recorded in the previous episode. It is also the dramaŌĆÖs own highest viewership. KBS2ŌĆÖs Once Again recorded 24.6 percent and 29.6 percent viewership, slightly down from 33.0 percent recorded in the previous episode. But still, the drama continues to maintain its unrivaled number one spot in viewership among all weekend dramas. The second episode of JTBCŌĆÖs Graceful Friends garnered 2.685 percent viewership, which is down from 3.2 percent recorded in the previous episode. The viewership for tvNŌĆÖs ItŌĆÖs Okay to Not Be Okay stood at 5.6 percent, which is the same from the previous episode. Meanwhile, OCNŌĆÖs new weekend drama Train, starring Yoon Shi Yoon, started its journey with 1 percent viewership. According to Nielsen Korea, the 1st episode of Train recorded 1.4 percent viewership, receiving favorable reviews for its intense development. Source (1, 2)